
Showing posts from March, 2013

Beef y-Stywyd

Beef y-Stywyd with Rice Beef y-Stywyd (Stewed Beef) 15th Century England Original:   Take fayre beef of the rybbys of the fore quarterys, an smyte in fayre pecys, an wasche the beef in-to a fayre potte; than take the water that the beef was sothin yn, an strayne it thorw a straynowr, an sethe the same water and beef in a potte, an let hem boyle to-gederys; than take canel, clowes, maces, graynys of parise, quibibes, and oynons y-mynced, perceli, an sawge, an caste ther-to, an let hem boyle to-gederys; an than take a lof of brede, an stepe it with brothe an venegre, an than draw it thorw a straynoure, and let it be stylle; an whan it is nere y-now, caste the lycour ther-to, but nowt to moche, an than let boyle onys, an cast safroun ther-to a quantyte; than take salt an venegre, and cast ther-to, an loke that it be poynaunt y-now, and serue forth. [Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books] Translation: Take fair Beef of the ribs of the forequarters and smite in fa...

Chicken in the French Fashion

Chicken in the French Fashion, Robert Bay, 1665 To boil Capons, Chickens, Pigeons, or any Land Fowls in the French Fashion (Chicken in the French Fashion) 16th-17th Century, England/France Original: Either the skin stuffed with minced meat, or boned, & fill the vents and body; or not boned and trust to boil, fill the bodies with any of the farsings following made of any minced meat, and seasoned with pepper, cloves, mace, and salt; then mince some sweet herbs with bacon and fowl, veal, mutton, or lamb, and mix with it three or four eggs, mingle all together with grapes, gooseberries, barberries, or red currans, and sugar, or none, some pine-apple-seed, or pistaches; fill the fowl, and stew it in a stewing-pan with some strong broth, as much as will cover them, and a little white wine; being stewed, serve them in a dish with sippets finely carved, and slic't oranges, lemons, barberries, gooseberries, sweet herbs chopped, and ma...


Egredouncye served with Arborio Rice and homemade Bread Egredouncye ("Medieval Hamburger Helper") 15th Century, England/France Original: Take Porke or Beef, wheþer þe likey, & leche it þinne þwerte; þen broyle it broun a litel, & þen mynce it lyke Venyson; choppe it in sewe, þen caste it in a potte & do þer-to Freyssh brothe; take Erbis, Onynonys, Percely & Sawge, & oþer gode erbis, þen lye it vppe with brede; take Pepir & Safroun, pouder Canel, Vynegre, or Eysel Wyne, Broþe an Salt, & let yet boyle to-gederys, tylle þey ben y-now, & þan serue it forth rennyng. [Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books p. 31 ] Translation: Take Pork or Beef, whether the like (Whatever you like ? ), and cut it into strips; and broil it brown it a little, and then mince it like Venison; chop it as such, then put it in a pot with fresh Broth; take Herbs, Onions, Parsley and Sage, and other good Herbs, and mix it up with bread.  Take Pepper and Saffron, p...


Cormarye (Roast Pork Loin in Wine) 14th Century, England Original: Take colyaundre, caraway smale grounden, powdour of peper and garlec ygrounde, in rede wyne; medle alle þise togyder and salt it. Take loynes of pork rawe and fle of the skyn, and pryk it wel with a knyf, and lay it in the sawse. Roost it whan þou wilt, & kepe þat þat fallith þerfro in the rostyng and seeþ it in a possynet with faire broth, & serue it forth witþ þe roost anoon. [Forme of Cury #54] Redaction: Coriander Caraway Pepper Salt Garlic Red Wine Broth Pork Loin Combine Coriander, Caraway, Pepper, Salt, Garlic, and Red Wine.  Prick Pork Loin liberally with a knife and pour wine sauce over it.  Cook Pork Loin until done.  Drain off sauce, combine with broth and reduce.  Pour reduced sauce over Roast Pork Loin. Recreation: 1 1/2 tsp Coriander 1 1/2 tsp Caraway 1/2 tsp Pepper 1/2 tsp Salt 3 cloves Garlic 2 Cups Red Wine 1 Cup Broth 2 lb. Pork Loin I put ...