Celiandre (Coriander Sauce)
Original: Si vols celiandre a s i com mostalla e dona s ab polls en ast , ab perdius a malalt, pren lo gra del celiandre preparat e ametlles perades, canyella, giiigebre, lava l, e sucre blanch, e pica ho tot fortment e destempra ho ab agror e ab dolcor, e val mes ab v i de magranes agradolca. [El Libre de Sent Sovi, XXIII, Ed. Luis Faraudo de Saint-Germain, c.1325, 1952] Translation: If you wish to make coriander as you make mustard - for a sick person serve it with roasted chicken or partridge – take the grain of the prepared coriander, peeled almonds, cinnamon, ginger, clove, and white sugar; and grind it all well, and mix it with verjuice and with sweetening. It is better with the wine of bittersweet pomegranates. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XLV, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Ingredients: Coriander Almond (Flour) Cinnamon Ginger Cloves White Sugar Verjuice (Red Wine Vinegar and Sugar) Wine of Bittersweet Pomegranates Redaction: Grind Coriand...