
Showing posts from September, 2013

Have a Drink

  Drink of Sikanjabin Simple “Have a Drink” The Medieval Cooking Night Theme for August 23, 2013 was “Have a Drink,” Period drink recipes drawn from the 13th Century Al-Andalus Cookbook. Original/Translation: Take a ratl [1 ratl=468g/1lb] of strong vinegar and mix it with two  ratls [1 ratl =468g/1lb] of sugar, and cook all this until it takes the form of a syrup. Drink an ûqiya [1 ûqiya=39g/7tsp] of this with three of hot water when fast  ing. It is beneficial for fevers of jaundice, and calms jaundice and cuts the thirst  Since sikanjabîn syrup is beneficial in phlegmatic fevers: make it with six ûqiyas  [1 ûqiya =39g/7tsp] of sour vinegar for a ratl [1 ratl=468g/1lb] of honey and it is admirable. [13th Century Al-Andalus Cookbook, Anon/Miscelleny, Cariadoc and Elizabeth] Ingredients: 4 Cups Sugar 2 1/2 Cups Water 1 Cup Wine Vinegar Redaction: We referred to the translation in Al-Andalus Cookbook as well as the redaction listed in Miscelleny by Cariado...

Silver Desert Feast and Championship Debrief

When:   August 10, 2013 Prep Start:   9:30AM Served:   6:PM Autocrat:   Agnés berengarii de girona Feastocrat:   Abrahe çaragoça Sous:   Eithne ingen Gille Challíne Assistants:   Tearlag Anna Ghille Mhuire, Toirdhealbhach Mor mac Gille Mhuire, Willow, Benjamin d'Aquataine, Douglas of Fendrake Marsh Overall:   The feast was hard to plan for.  The event does not normally have a feast associated with it, but it was held in Fendrake Marsh this year instead of Silver Desert.  Also, the prince of Cynagua came to the event.  We used 50 people as a rough estimate.  Several of us counted the actual number of people at the feast.  Our counts ranged from 29 to 34 people. Sopas Doradas (Golden Soup): Redacted from  "Libre de Coch" by Ruperto de Nola, 1529.  The soup was started by Abrahe and finished by Toirdhealbhach.  We used a large crockpot at the church.  The crockpot held Eight Quarts.  We originally e...