
Showing posts from February, 2022

Morterol (Meat Stew)

  Original: Si vols fer morterol, fes bon brou de moltó e de gallines. Aprés hages cuixes de moltó mal cuites e capolades menut del magre, e carnsalada grassa e porc fresc e pa ratllat, aitant o menys un poc que la carn. E mit-ho a coure en una olla ab del brou gras. E quan deurà ésser èspes, assabora-ho de sal, e lleva’l del foc. E hages ous debatuts, per cascuna escudella dos ous debatuts, ab del morterol, e mit-lo en l’olla ben menat. E hages-los colorats de safrà.  Ítem, si vols fer de brou de gallines e de llet d’ametlles, en per estés guarda’t que el brou sia cuit; aprés hages les gallines e coguen ab carnsalada ensems; si el fas a hom sa, pots-hi metre moltó e porc. E fes-ho bullir ab llet d’ametlles així com dessús és dit. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XXXVII, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Translation: If you want to make meat stew, make a good broth of mutton and chicken.  Then take undercooked mutton legs, with the lean part chopped up, a...

"The Feast That Wasn't"

  The Principality of Cynagua Winter Feast and Cancer Tournament was held on January 29, 2022.  As I mentioned in a previous post, the Indoor portion of the event was cancelled due to Covid, but the Wrecking Crew and myself could not let it go out with a whimper.  As a surprise, for Their Highnesses of Cynagua Cormac and Caoilinn, Their Majesties of the West Miles and Jitka, Their Highnesses of the Mists, their Court, and Caoilinn's Household we made the major elements of the feast for them to eat throughout the day.  Overall, it was very well received and I got positive reviews. Almonds and Olives:  Their Highnesses from the Mists kept asking for more Almonds throughout the day.  Their Majesties took home the leftover Olives. Bread and Fritters:  Bella Dona dei Sorci provided the Pa amb tomàquet (Bread) and Toronjas de Xativa que son Almojavanas (Fritters).  People loved it and I repeatedly saw people crunching on the bread or with powdered sugar...