
Showing posts from May, 2013

Andalusian Stuffed Eggs

Andalusian Stuffed Eggs 13th Century, Andalusia Original: Original Transcription Needed [An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13 th Century] Translation: Take as many eggs as you like, and boil them whole in hot water; put them in cold water and split them in half with a thread. Take the yolks aside and pound cilantro and put in onion juice, pepper and coriander, and beat all this together with Murri, oil and salt and knead the yolks with this until it forms a dough. Then stuff the whites with this and fasten it together, insert a small stick into each egg, and sprinkle them with pepper, God Willing. ----- Translation by Charles Perry Ingredients: 8 Eggs 1/4 tsp Cilantro 2 tsp Onion Juice 1/8 tsp Pepper 1/8 tsp Coriander Murri (Subst: Soy Sauce) 2 1/2 Tbsp Oil 1/4 tsp Salt Redaction: Hard Boil the Eggs. After they have cooled, slice the Eggs down the center and remove the Yolks. Make sure to keep the paired halves together. Mix the Yolk...

Sopas Doradas

Sopas Doradas 5/30/2013 Sopas Doradas (Golden Soup) 1529, Catalan Original: Tomar un pan y hacerlo rebanadas: y tostarlas de buena manera que no se quemen, y tomar buen caldo y cocerlo en una olla aparte con todo su recaudo; y despumarlo bien, y después tener aparejado queso rallado, y cuando quisieren comer, tomar algunas yemas de huevos, y desatarlas con el mejor caldo de vaca gordo de la olla; y echarle un poco de gingibre y después tomar aquellas tostadas, y remojarlas con el caldo; y desque sean acabadas de remojar quitarlas de aquel caldo; y hacer escudillas de aquellas tajadas de pan o rebanadas; y echar sobre ellas del caldo de los huevos; después echarles el queso, y estas se llaman sopas doradas. [ Libro de guisados de Ruperto de Nola ] Translation: Take a loaf of B read and slice it : and toast them in a good way so they don't burn, and take good stock and cook it in a pot; Keep an eye on it and grate some Cheese , and when they want to eat, take...