Especias de Salsa Comun
Original: Canela tres partes; claves dos partes; gingebre una parte; pimienta una parte y un poco de culantro seco bien molido y un poco de azafian si quieres, sea todo bien molido y cernido. [de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529] Translation: Three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper and a little dry coriander , well-ground, and a little saffron if you wish; let everything be well-ground and sifted. [de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529, Trans: Brighid ni Chiarain, 2009 ] Ingredients: Cinnamon Cloves Ginger Pepper Culantro Coriander Saffron Redaction: Combine three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper, one part coriander, and a pinch of saffron. Mix together well. Notes: Culantro : This was mistranslated from the original. Culantro is not the same as Cilantro or its ground form, Coriander. They are distinctly different herbs wi...