
Showing posts from July, 2020

Especias de Salsa Comun

Original: Canela tres partes; claves dos partes; gingebre una parte; pimienta una parte y un poco de culantro seco bien molido y un poco de azafian si quieres, sea todo bien molido y cernido. [de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529] Translation: Three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper and a little dry coriander , well-ground, and a little saffron if you wish; let everything be well-ground and sifted. [de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529, Trans: Brighid ni Chiarain, 2009 ] Ingredients: Cinnamon Cloves Ginger Pepper Culantro Coriander Saffron Redaction: Combine three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper, one part coriander, and a pinch of saffron.   Mix together well. Notes:   Culantro : This was mistranslated from the original.   Culantro is not the same as Cilantro or its ground form, Coriander.   They are distinctly different herbs wi...


Original: Espàrrecs si vols fer, com seran prrbullits o sosenguats iuit lii vin blanch e especies coiiiunes e un poch de bon sucre blanch; encara si n as molts espàrrecs que n vullcs fer [czxviij-a] menjar per donar en ~scudclles, perbullits axi com demuiit es dit e prem los espàrrecs e soseiiga los axi com a espiiiachs ; apres agcs let d ametlles e niit los a coure, e cogua tant tro sien ben espesos e cuyts, e pugs fe n esciidellc,s e ínit polvora de canyella, e es meiijar a s i be de carnal com de quaresma. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi, LI, c.1325] Translation: If you want to make Asparagus, when they are boiled and fried put in white wine and common spices, and a little good white sugar. Still, if you have a lot of asparagus, that you want to make as a dish to serve in bowls, boil them as is said above and press the asparagus and fry them just like spinach.   Then take almond milk, and cook them in it, and cook them enough so that they are thickened and we...

Salsa Verd

Original: Si vols fer salsa vcrt ages fulla dc juyvert, e lo tendre lava 1 e esuga 1 al sol o sens sol, e puyca 1 molt ab canyella e gingebre, e clavells, pebre e avellanes torrades. Amesura ho de cascu he tasta bo, e, si veus quc la una cosa sap mes que 1 altra, tempra ho per egual e destenpra ho ab vinagre, e lo vinagre prenga hi mes, e pot hi hom metra pa torrat banyat ab vinagre ; mit hi me1 o sucre a hom delicat ho ha malalt. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi, XX, c.1325] Translation: If you want to make green sauce, take parsley leaves, and wash the tender parts, and dry them in the sun, or without sun.   Grind them well with cinnamon and ginger and cloves, pepper and toasted hazelnuts.   Put in a good measure of each ingredient and taste it, and if you see one thing is more evident than another, balance it to be equal.   And mix it with vinegar, so that the vinegar is more evident.   And one can put in bread, toasted and soaked in vinegar.   Put in...

Salsa de Bolets

Original: S i vols fer salsa de bolets perbullits e preiiiuts e soseiiguats ab oli, fe aytal salsa :* pren ceba, juyvert, vinagre, especies e destempra ho ab vinagre e un poch d aygua ; fe pecas d ells que 1s sosengues, ho n dona ab sosengua, e puys mit los en la s a l ~ a o 1s dona cuyts en brases ab sal e oli. [ El Llibre de Sent Soví, XVII, c1350 ] Translation: If you want to make sauce of mushrooms that are boiled, pressed, and fried with oil, make the sauce like this:   take onion, parsley, vinegar, and spices, and mix it with vinegar and a little water.   Make pieces of the mushrooms, to fry, or serve with a fried mixture, and then put them in the sauce, or serve them grilled with salt and oil. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XVII, c1350, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Ingredients: Mushrooms Olive Oil Onions Parsley Vinegar Spices (Salt, Pepper, Coriander) Water Redaction: Slice and boil Mushrooms.  ...

Cirons Tendres

Original: Si vols adobar cirons tendres, lava 1s be e ages l e t d ametlles e mit los a coure ab la let e ab oli e ab sal, e mit hi una ceba o dues escaldades ab aygua bullent, e con1 r'.euran esser cuytes mit hi juyvert, elfaba, moradux e d altres bones erbes, un poch de gingtbre picat e un poch d agras ; en aquesta manera los cou homcom ells son tendres que no son dels primers ; si vols adobar dels pus telidres fes bullir la let de les amctlles ab oli e ab sal e ah cebes tendres e de les erbes deiiiunt dites, e del girigebre e de 1 agras, e mit los cirons 1a'i:ats ab aygua calda e tantost son cuyts. E n aquesta maiiera pots asi matex adobar fabes teudres ; pots lii metra saliandre vert ab de boues especies: pebre, gingcbre, canyella e safra. [ El Llibre de Sent Soví, LII, c1350 ] Translation: If you want to prepare tender chickpeas, wash them well.   Take almond milk, and cook them with the milk and oil and salt; and put in one or two onions scalded with...


Original: Si vols fer mig-raust, mit gallina en ast. Aprés hages brou d’altres gallines, o del caldum d’aquestes d’ast, e fe’n bon brou ab carnsalada, aprés hages ametles perades e fe’n llet. E prin los fetges de destrempa’ls ab la llet. E mit-ho a bullir amb bones espècies: pebre e gingebre, clavells, canyella, e agror, sabor e sucre blanc; e fesho molt bullir. Quan les gallines d’ast deuran ésser cuites, esquartera-les e fets-les bullir en salsa tro que conegues que sien cuites; e feu-ne escudelles amb les gallines. E, si dónes menjar blanc, pots donar ab aquesta salsa les gallines qui et romanen, ço és saber, caps e cuixes e alerons e anques. Emperò sosenga-les abans en la cassola ab greix de carnsalada, abans que sien meses dins la salsa. [ El Llibre de Sent Soví, V, c1350 ] Translation: Mig-Raust If you want to make half-roast, put chicken on a spit.  Then make broth of other chickens, or of the innards of those on the spit, and make it a good broth with s...

The Salsa Project

During the Pandemic, I've been reading through my copies of El Llibre de Sent Sovi and El Libre de Coch .  Both of these books have a lot of sauces, so I made it a goal . . .No . . . a QUEST to recreate as many of these sauces as I can!  Any sauce recipe, or any recipe with a sauce as a major component,  will be tagged with The Salsa Project.