Salsa de Cervo (Pepper Sauce)

Original: Si vols fer salsa de cervo, pren la salsa menys de safra e ages pa torrat e mullat en vinagre e capola la e pica la ab lo pa eusemps, e, corn sera tot ensemps picat, destempra ho ab del brou matex, e corn sera destemprat e corn la sal hi sera, pren vinagre e arrop e mit n I per cominal, e com ato sera fet mit la a biillir, e, corn sera bullida, eva la del foch e tasta la de sal e de vinagre e de arrop e fe n escudellas. [El Libre de Sent Sovi, LXII, Ed. Luis Faraudo de Saint-Germain, c.1325, 1952] Translation: If you want to make pepper sauce, take a mixture of spices without saffron, and take bread toasted and soaked in vinegar, and chop it and grind it all together with the bread. When it is all ground up together, blend it with the same broth. When it is blended, and when the salt is in, take vinegar and boiled fruit syrup, and add some in the usual way. When this is done, set it to boil. When it is boiled, take it from the fire, and add salt, ...