
Showing posts from 2013

Empanada de Carne o de Pescado (Revisited)

Empanada de Carne o de Pescado   Prepared December 16, 2013   Original: Has de tomar la carne o el pescado, y darle un hervor; mas si fuere carne, hierva mas que el pescado; y desque haya bien hervido, quitarlo del fuego y ponerlo en agua fría; y después hacer la empanada, y ponerle la carne o el pescado cortado a pedazos pequeños, tan grandes como los dos dedos, y aun menores y ponlos en la empanada, y después vaya al horno y hacer un agujero encima del cobertor de la empanada porque pueda respirar, que de otra manera reventaría en el horno; y cuando pusieres la carne en la empanada poner también la salsa fina con ella, y si fuere de pescado, carga la mano en la pimienta; y si de carne, cargar la mano en la salsa; y un poco antes que sea hora de sacar la empanada del horno, poner por el agujero huevos batidos en una escudilla con agraz o con zumo de naranja o vinagre blanco Rosado y después tornarla al horno por espacio de un Pater Noster y un Ave María y sacarla y...

Empanada de Carne o de Pescado

Empanada de Carne o de Pescado Prepared December 7, 2013 Original: Has de tomar la carne o el pescado, y darle un hervor; mas si fuere carne, hierva mas que el pescado; y desque haya bien hervido, quitarlo del fuego y ponerlo en agua fría; y después hacer la empanada, y ponerle la carne o el pescado cortado a pedazos pequeños, tan grandes como los dos dedos, y aun menores y ponlos en la empanada, y después vaya al horno y hacer un agujero encima del cobertor de la empanada porque pueda respirar, que de otra manera reventaría en el horno; y cuando pusieres la carne en la empanada poner también la salsa fina con ella, y si fuere de pescado, carga la mano en la pimienta; y si de carne, cargar la mano en la salsa; y un poco antes que sea hora de sacar la empanada del horno, poner por el agujero huevos batidos en una escudilla con agraz o con zumo de naranja o vinagre blanco Rosado y después tornarla al horno por espacio de un Pater Noster y un Ave María y sacarla y ponerla en la...

Toronjas de Xativa que son Almojavanas

Toronjas de Xativa que son Almojavanas Original: Has de tomar quesos frescos y requesones, y majarlos en un mortero con huevos juntamente.  Después tomar masa y amasar aquellos quesos con los requesones, juntamente con la masa, y desque todo sea encorporado y amasado tomar una cazuela muy limpia, y echar en ella buena cantidad de gordura del puerco dulce o aceite dulce que sea muy fino, y desque el untode puerco o aceite herviere, hacer de la dicha masa unas pellas, como pelotas o naranjas redondas, y echarlas dentro en la cazuela, de manera que la pelota vaya nadando por la cazuela, y puedes hacer de la masa también buñuelos, o las formas y gentilezas que quisieres, y desque tengan color de oro, sacarlas, y echar otras tantas; y desque todo sea frito, ponerlo en platos, y echar sobre ello miel y sobre la miel azúcar y canela molidos.  Empero nota una cosa:  que en los quesos y en los huevos has de poner una poca levadura; y en lo otro pornás harina, y desque hagas las pe...

Have a Drink

  Drink of Sikanjabin Simple “Have a Drink” The Medieval Cooking Night Theme for August 23, 2013 was “Have a Drink,” Period drink recipes drawn from the 13th Century Al-Andalus Cookbook. Original/Translation: Take a ratl [1 ratl=468g/1lb] of strong vinegar and mix it with two  ratls [1 ratl =468g/1lb] of sugar, and cook all this until it takes the form of a syrup. Drink an ûqiya [1 ûqiya=39g/7tsp] of this with three of hot water when fast  ing. It is beneficial for fevers of jaundice, and calms jaundice and cuts the thirst  Since sikanjabîn syrup is beneficial in phlegmatic fevers: make it with six ûqiyas  [1 ûqiya =39g/7tsp] of sour vinegar for a ratl [1 ratl=468g/1lb] of honey and it is admirable. [13th Century Al-Andalus Cookbook, Anon/Miscelleny, Cariadoc and Elizabeth] Ingredients: 4 Cups Sugar 2 1/2 Cups Water 1 Cup Wine Vinegar Redaction: We referred to the translation in Al-Andalus Cookbook as well as the redaction listed in Miscelleny by Cariado...

Silver Desert Feast and Championship Debrief

When:   August 10, 2013 Prep Start:   9:30AM Served:   6:PM Autocrat:   Agnés berengarii de girona Feastocrat:   Abrahe çaragoça Sous:   Eithne ingen Gille Challíne Assistants:   Tearlag Anna Ghille Mhuire, Toirdhealbhach Mor mac Gille Mhuire, Willow, Benjamin d'Aquataine, Douglas of Fendrake Marsh Overall:   The feast was hard to plan for.  The event does not normally have a feast associated with it, but it was held in Fendrake Marsh this year instead of Silver Desert.  Also, the prince of Cynagua came to the event.  We used 50 people as a rough estimate.  Several of us counted the actual number of people at the feast.  Our counts ranged from 29 to 34 people. Sopas Doradas (Golden Soup): Redacted from  "Libre de Coch" by Ruperto de Nola, 1529.  The soup was started by Abrahe and finished by Toirdhealbhach.  We used a large crockpot at the church.  The crockpot held Eight Quarts.  We originally e...

Chike Endored: Feast Preparation

Chike Endored Chike Endored 15th Century, England Silver Desert Championship and Feast: Preparation Test Original: Take a chike, and drawe him, and roste him, And lete the fete be on, and take away the hede; then make batur of yolkes of eyroun and floure, and caste there-to pouder of ginger, and peper, saffron and salt, and pouder hit faire til hit be rosted ynogh. [Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books] Translation: Take a chicken, and roast it, And let the feet be on, and take away the head; then make a batter of yolks of eggs and flour, and caste into it Ginger Powder, and Pepper, Saffron and Salt and cover (?) it faire until roasted enough. Ingredients: Chicken pieces (4 Chicken Thighs/Legs used) 1 tsp Parsley 1 tsp Sage 1 tsp Oregano 1 tsp Basil Olive Oil Salt 6 Egg Yolks 2 Tbsp Flour 1/4 tsp Powdered Ginger 1/4 tsp Pepper ½ tsp Saffron 1 tsp Turmeric 1/4 tsp Salt Redaction: Arrange the Chicken on the sheet and rub them lightly with Olive Oil.  Sprin...

Cerdo Asado con Salsa de Ciruelas Secas: Feast Preparation

Cerdo Asado con Salsa de Ciruelas Secas Cerdo Asado con Salsa de Ciruelas Secas 15th Century, Catalan Silver Desert Championship and Fest: Feast Preparation Original:   Salsa de ciruelas secas (Spanish) Tomas las ciruelas y ponlas a remojo en vino tinto, y quitales los huesos, y muelelas muy bien con unas pocas almendras sin pelar, y un poco de pan tostado, o asado, puesto a remojo en el vino donde esteban las ciruelas. Y todas estas cosas las moleras juntas y con un poco de agraz, y ese vino, y un poco de arrope, o bien azucar, que seria mucho mejor, y las destemperaras y pasaras por la estamena poniendoles dentro buenas especias, especialmente canela. Para hacer la pebrada lo veras donde se trata en el capitulo anterior; y seguiras cuanto alli se contiene. [Libro de Arte Culinaria, Capitulo III #104, Maestro Martino da Como] Sapor de progna secche (Italian) Sapor de progna secche. Habi le progne e mittile a moglio nel vino rosso, et cavvagli fora l’o...

Chike Endored

Chike Endored Chike Endored (Roast Chicken with Glaze) 15th Century England Original: Take a chike, and drawe him, and roste him, And lete the fete be on, and take away the hede; then make batur of yolkes of eyroun and floure, and caste there-to pouder of ginger, and peper, saffron and salt, and pouder hit faire til hit be rosted ynogh. [Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books] Translation: Take a chicken, and roast it, And let the feet be on, and take away the head; then make a batter of yolks of eggs and flour, and caste into it Ginger Powder, and Pepper, Saffron and Salt and cover (?) it faire until roasted enough. Ingredients: 1 Whole Chicken or Chicken pieces (4 Chicken Thighs used) 3 Egg Yolks 1 Tbsp Flour 1/8 tsp Powdered Ginger 1/8 tsp Pepper ½ tsp Saffron ½ tsp Turmeric 1/8 tsp Salt The Paste: Egg Yolks, Flour, and spices Redaction: Roast Chicken. Beat together the Egg Yolks and Flour until it forms a paste then add in the rest ...

Andalusian Stuffed Eggs

Andalusian Stuffed Eggs 13th Century, Andalusia Original: Original Transcription Needed [An Anonymous Andalusian Cookbook of the 13 th Century] Translation: Take as many eggs as you like, and boil them whole in hot water; put them in cold water and split them in half with a thread. Take the yolks aside and pound cilantro and put in onion juice, pepper and coriander, and beat all this together with Murri, oil and salt and knead the yolks with this until it forms a dough. Then stuff the whites with this and fasten it together, insert a small stick into each egg, and sprinkle them with pepper, God Willing. ----- Translation by Charles Perry Ingredients: 8 Eggs 1/4 tsp Cilantro 2 tsp Onion Juice 1/8 tsp Pepper 1/8 tsp Coriander Murri (Subst: Soy Sauce) 2 1/2 Tbsp Oil 1/4 tsp Salt Redaction: Hard Boil the Eggs. After they have cooled, slice the Eggs down the center and remove the Yolks. Make sure to keep the paired halves together. Mix the Yolk...

Sopas Doradas

Sopas Doradas 5/30/2013 Sopas Doradas (Golden Soup) 1529, Catalan Original: Tomar un pan y hacerlo rebanadas: y tostarlas de buena manera que no se quemen, y tomar buen caldo y cocerlo en una olla aparte con todo su recaudo; y despumarlo bien, y después tener aparejado queso rallado, y cuando quisieren comer, tomar algunas yemas de huevos, y desatarlas con el mejor caldo de vaca gordo de la olla; y echarle un poco de gingibre y después tomar aquellas tostadas, y remojarlas con el caldo; y desque sean acabadas de remojar quitarlas de aquel caldo; y hacer escudillas de aquellas tajadas de pan o rebanadas; y echar sobre ellas del caldo de los huevos; después echarles el queso, y estas se llaman sopas doradas. [ Libro de guisados de Ruperto de Nola ] Translation: Take a loaf of B read and slice it : and toast them in a good way so they don't burn, and take good stock and cook it in a pot; Keep an eye on it and grate some Cheese , and when they want to eat, take...

Beef y-Stywyd

Beef y-Stywyd with Rice Beef y-Stywyd (Stewed Beef) 15th Century England Original:   Take fayre beef of the rybbys of the fore quarterys, an smyte in fayre pecys, an wasche the beef in-to a fayre potte; than take the water that the beef was sothin yn, an strayne it thorw a straynowr, an sethe the same water and beef in a potte, an let hem boyle to-gederys; than take canel, clowes, maces, graynys of parise, quibibes, and oynons y-mynced, perceli, an sawge, an caste ther-to, an let hem boyle to-gederys; an than take a lof of brede, an stepe it with brothe an venegre, an than draw it thorw a straynoure, and let it be stylle; an whan it is nere y-now, caste the lycour ther-to, but nowt to moche, an than let boyle onys, an cast safroun ther-to a quantyte; than take salt an venegre, and cast ther-to, an loke that it be poynaunt y-now, and serue forth. [Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books] Translation: Take fair Beef of the ribs of the forequarters and smite in fa...

Chicken in the French Fashion

Chicken in the French Fashion, Robert Bay, 1665 To boil Capons, Chickens, Pigeons, or any Land Fowls in the French Fashion (Chicken in the French Fashion) 16th-17th Century, England/France Original: Either the skin stuffed with minced meat, or boned, & fill the vents and body; or not boned and trust to boil, fill the bodies with any of the farsings following made of any minced meat, and seasoned with pepper, cloves, mace, and salt; then mince some sweet herbs with bacon and fowl, veal, mutton, or lamb, and mix with it three or four eggs, mingle all together with grapes, gooseberries, barberries, or red currans, and sugar, or none, some pine-apple-seed, or pistaches; fill the fowl, and stew it in a stewing-pan with some strong broth, as much as will cover them, and a little white wine; being stewed, serve them in a dish with sippets finely carved, and slic't oranges, lemons, barberries, gooseberries, sweet herbs chopped, and ma...