
Showing posts from 2020

Poivre Noir (Black Pepper Sauce)

Original: Broiez gingembre et poivre ront, pain brulé, deffait de verjus et de vi aigre. [The Viandier of Taillevent, edited by Terence Scully] Translation: Crush ginger, burnt bread and pepper, steep in vinegar and verjuice, and boil. [Le Viandier de Taillevent, 165, Vatican Library Manuscript, 208, Trans: James Prescott] Ingredients: Red Wine Vinegar Verjuice Ginger Pepper Bread Redaction: Toast bread until blackened.  Steep Bread in Red Wine Vinegar and grind bread into Vinegar.  Grind Ginger and Pepper and add to Vinegar.  Boil to reduce and strain. Notes:    I do not have Verjuice onhand.  Other varients of this recipe do not include Verjuice so I omitted it.  I used pre-ground Pepper and Ginger and Herr Oster to mix with the Vinegar and Bread.  After boiling, the sauce needed straining.  I believe that this step would have been assumed as necessary.  I used this sauce as a reference when I made Salsa de Cervo fro El Llibre de Sent ...

Pumpion Pie

Original: Take a Pumpion, pare it, and cut it in thin slices, dip it in beaten Eggs and Herbs shred small, and fry it till it be enough, then lay it into a Pie with Butter, Raisins, Currans, Sugar and Sack, and in the bottom some sharp Apples; when it is baked, butter it and serve it in. [The Queene-like Closet, 131, Hannah Wolley] Ingredients: Pumpkin (Sugar/Pie) Eggs Herbs (Fresh Rosemary, Thyme, Parsley) Butter Raisins Currants Sugar Sack (Sherry) Apples Pie Crust Redaction: Take a Sugar Pumpkin, peel the rind and remove the seeds and stringy interior.  Cut Pumpkin into slices about ¼ inch thick.  Core and cut Apples into ¼ inch wide slices.  Make a Pie Crust and place it into a pie plate.  Put a single layer of Apple Slices in the Pie Crust.  Beat Eggs in a bowl and add the Herbs to the Eggs.  Heat up frying pan and add Butter.  Dip Pumpkin Slices lightly into Eggs and fry until soft.  Remove Pumpkin Slices to a bowl and mix in Butter, Raisins...

Sauce Alapeuere

Original: Take fayre broun brede, toste hit, and stepe it in vinegre, and drawe it thurwe a straynour; and put ther-to garleke smal y-stampyd, poudre piper, salt, and serue forth. [Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books, Ashmole MS. 1439, Edited by Thomas Astin] Translation: Take fair brown bread, toast it, and steep it in vinegar, and draw it through a strainer, and put there to garlic small and crushed, powder pepper, salt, and serve forth. Ingredients: Bread (Toasted) Vinegar Garlic Pepper Salt Redaction: Toast Bread and soak in Vinegar. Mix together and strain out any large bits.  Grind Garlic and add to Vinegar.  Add Salt and Pepper.  Add Vinegar to desired thickness. Notes:   This is a nice sauce that goes well with Red or White Meat.  This is a fairly easy recipe.  I put Herr Oster to work on it and it came together in minutes. Bibliography: Austin, Thomas. Two Fifteenth-Century Cookery-Books. Harleian MS. 279 & Harl. MS. 4016, with extracts fr...

Galinha mourisca (Moorish Chicken)

Original: Tome uma galinha crua e faça-a em pedaços. Em seguida prepara-se um refogado com duas colheres de manteiga e uma pequena fatia de toucinho. Deita-se dentro a galinha e deixa-a corar. Cubra-se a galinha com água suficiente para cozê-la, pois não se há de deitar-lhe outra. Estando a galinha quase cozida, tome-se cebola verde, salsa, coentro e hortelã, pica-se tudo bem miudinho e deita-se na panela, com um pouco de caldo de limão. Acabe de cozinhar a galinha muito bem. Tome então fatias de pão e disponha-as no fundo de uma terrina, e derrame sobre elas a galinha.Cubra com gemas escalfadas e polvilhe com canela. [Um tratado da cozinha portuguesa do século XV / A Treatise of Portuguese Cuisine from the 15th Century, translated by Baroness Faerisa Gwynarden] Translation: Take a raw chicken and cut it into pieces. Then prepare a saute with 2 spoons of butter and a small slice of or bacon. Add the chicken and let brown. Cover the chicken with enough water to cook it, for you will not...

Porriol (Onion Sauce)

Original: Si vols fer porriol preii ceba tallada e ab sal cogua en aygua freda e escurri la moltes vealdes, e fes !a hi poch bullir ab greis de porch e piiys nlit lii ritiagre e pebre e sal e aygua, e no sia massa forts, e mit hi tots los quarters entregues [El Libre de Sent Sovi, LXI, Ed. Luis Faraudo de Saint-Germain, c.1325, 1952] Translation: If you want to make onion sauce, take chopped onion, and cook with salt in cold water.  Rinse it many times, and boil it a little while with pork fat.  Then put in vinegar, pepper, salt, and water; they shouldn’t be too strong.  And put in all the quarters [of the birds] whole. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, LXI, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Ingredients: Onion Salt Pork Fat (Lard/Grease) Vinegar Pepper Water Redaction: Chop small or dice Onion.  Place Onion in pan with cold Water with Salt.  Bring Onion to a boil.  Rinse Onion and place back into pan.  Add Lard/Pork Grease and fry Onion...

Salsa de Cervo (Pepper Sauce)

Original: Si vols fer salsa de cervo, pren la salsa menys de safra e ages pa torrat e mullat en vinagre e capola la e pica la ab lo pa eusemps, e, corn sera tot ensemps picat, destempra ho ab del brou matex, e corn sera destemprat e corn la sal hi sera, pren vinagre e arrop e mit n I per cominal, e com ato sera fet mit la a biillir, e, corn sera bullida, eva la del foch e tasta la de sal e de vinagre e de arrop e fe n escudellas. [El Libre de Sent Sovi, LXII, Ed. Luis Faraudo de Saint-Germain, c.1325, 1952] Translation: If you want to make pepper sauce, take a mixture of spices without saffron, and take bread toasted and soaked in vinegar, and chop it and grind it all together with the bread.   When it is all ground up together, blend it with the same broth.   When it is blended, and when the salt is in, take vinegar and boiled fruit syrup, and add some in the usual way.   When this is done, set it to boil.   When it is boiled, take it from the fire, and add salt, ...

Salsa de Pago (Peacock Sauce)

Original: Primerament Salsa de Pago: ffe brou de galliiies, o del calduin e de blascos de molto amb carnsallada. E, quan lo brou sera ben cuyt e espes, ages amelles pellades per .viij. sculdelles una liura e pica lles e fe n leyt ab aquel brou, e cola la, e priu los ventrells de lles gallines e fets los de tal1 de un dau, e dels cors dels conills e de les gallines asimatex, e niit ho a coseligar eii greis de carnsalada. E la olla que s soscnguara estiga e11 poch foch sol que los greix bulla un poch, e tota ora hi ago sia menat. E n apres ages d altra carnsallada magra e grasa e vage en la sosengua. * E aso lleva [b] sovint del foch per tal que lo greix no S pusca cremar. E, com sera sosengat, ages cebes redones tallades segons que damutit es dit, go es saber, la quarta part per de lles damunt dites coses e mit la a ssosengar, e deu esser tost asosenguada ; aso feyt gitats lo greix de Ila olla, ages agror de limons o de teronges o de magranes agres o de bon vinagre, mit n i .j. poch...

Mostalla (Mustard)

Original: Mostalla nostrada : pica la e polvora, ho la m01 en moli ; escalda la .ij. o .iij. vegades e puys pica la e destenpra la ab brou fret e mit hi me1 ho sucre; si la n vols fer fresca destetipra la ab vinagre e porets 11i metra arop. [El Libre de Sent Sovi, XIXI, Ed. Luis Faraudo de Saint-Germain, c.1325, 1952] Translation: Mustard our way: grind the mustard [seeds] and crush them, or grind them in a mill.   Scald two or three times, and then grind it and mix with cold broth.   And put in honey or sugar. If you want to make some in the French way, mix it with vinegar.   And you can put in Fruit Syrup. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XIX, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Ingredients: 1 part Mustard Seeds 1 part Broth Honey Sugar 1 part + Vinegar Fruit Syrup Redaction: Soak 1 part Mustard Seed with 1 part Broth overnight.   Grind the Mustard Seeds and add more Broth to get the desired consistency.   Add Sugar or Honey to tas...

Celiandre (Coriander Sauce)

Original: Si vols celiandre a s i com mostalla e dona s ab polls en ast , ab perdius a malalt, pren lo gra del celiandre preparat e ametlles perades, canyella, giiigebre, lava l, e sucre blanch, e pica ho tot fortment e destempra ho ab agror e ab dolcor, e val mes ab v i de magranes agradolca. [El Libre de Sent Sovi, XXIII, Ed. Luis Faraudo de Saint-Germain, c.1325, 1952] Translation: If you wish to make coriander as you make mustard - for a sick person serve it with roasted chicken or partridge – take the grain of the prepared coriander, peeled almonds, cinnamon, ginger, clove, and white sugar; and grind it all well, and mix it with verjuice and with sweetening.   It is better with the wine of bittersweet pomegranates. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XLV, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Ingredients: Coriander Almond (Flour) Cinnamon Ginger Cloves White Sugar Verjuice (Red Wine Vinegar and Sugar) Wine of Bittersweet Pomegranates Redaction: Grind Coriand...

Resoles (Fritters) and Bunyols (Cheese Fritters)

Original: Resoles Si vols fer resoles de pasia o d ous, ages grei': de porch que sia bell e net e mit en una bella paella bcn neta ; apres ages pasta levada de forment e aestenpra ho ab un ou per resola en un morter, e, com sera beii destenprat, ages formatge rellat en guisa que sia espes ; en  apres mit ne en nna psella entro a .iiij. loces e la un * ou en [ l i ] la paella e 1 foch que sie poch, e leva 1 en ades, ades, c gira les a cap d una peca e ti11 les hi un poch a poch al foch entro sien cuytes ; apres trau las d aqui e posa ias en bell tallador e mit hi molt siicre  desus e dejus, e dona las hom com pus calt pot a la derreria del manjar per fortnatge. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi, XLIII, c.1325] Bunyols Si vols fer bunyols, ages de la pasta demunt dita que sia levada e ous ab formatge rellat e sia tot mesclat e be espes e fe n redclins axi com un ou, e ages una casola e de! greis desus dit, gita 1s ho eii la cacola, e, com seran cuyts, posa 1s en un tallador ab sucye ...

Espinacas Picadas

Original: Pren espinachs e fes los bells e apres fes los perbullir en aygua e sal: e quant sien ben perbullits prem los entre dos talladors: e apres capolar losas molt be: e apres çoffregiras los ab oli de carn salada: e com seran ben çoffregits met los enla olla e vagen acoure e metras hi aximateix enla olla bon brou de carn salada e molto que sia bo e molt gras sols la flor que sia dela olla: e si peruentura volies metre en loch del brou let de cabres o de ouelles o sino de ametles pendras la carn salada e tallar las a troços axicom vn dau e metras la enla olla ensemps ab los espinachs: segons enlo temps en que seras si hi vols metre formatges frechs jau pots fer aximateix com les tallades damundites dela carn salada: empero si ni mets molts nols hi metes fins que los espinachs sien cuyts de tot met hi aço abans un poch de fer escudelles e si hi vols metre aximateix panses tendres que sien cuytes be ni pots metre ab los espinachs: e si noy vols metre queastes coses ni carn salada:...


Original: Si vols fer espinachs sense aygua, pren los espinachs e denega 1s be e puys lava 1s e fe n dos o .iij. trocos, e ages una olla e mit hi una locada d oli o segons que seran aquells a qui n auras a dar, e puys prem los be e rnit los en la olla e mit hi un poch de sal en guisa que no n i age massa entro que siaii fusos, e estrigolats los. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi, LXVIII, c.1325] Translation: If you want to make spinach without water, take the spinach [leaves] and clean them well, and then wash them and make two or three pieces of them.   Take a pot, and put in a large spoon of oil, or according to the number of those you will serve it to.   Then squeeze them well and put them in the pot, and put in a little salt, but in a way so it is not too much, until they have melted, and cut them up. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, LXVIII, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008] Ingredients: Spinach Oil (Olive) Salt Redaction: ...

Salsa Camillina

Original: Si vols fcr salsa cainilina fe let de metles que no sien parades ab brou de galliiies bo ; apres pica los fetges de lles gallines e destremba 1s ab la dita leyt, e mit ho a bollir e mit hi sucre e vi de magranes, o vinagre verme11 o de agror. Empero tota hora ha obs agror vermella e canyclla a la maior partida, he gingehra e d altres bones obres o species, e pebre axi com clavells, nou d esarch, nou noscada e de dues maneres, e sucre hlanch. E fe u molt bullir, e, quailt sera ben cuyt, asabora h o d e sal e de salsa, e de agror e de dolcor. E, si t vols, pots lii metre un parell de gallines o de capons d ast o de olla que y tengues una stona ab ella, e mit hi molt gres de les galliiies en ast. [El Llibre de Sent Sovi, III, c.1325] Translation: If you want to make camel sauce, make almond milk out of unpeeled almonds with a good chicken broth.   After that, mince the chicken livers and blend them with the milk. Set it to boil, and put in sugar and pomegr...

Especias de Salsa Comun

Original: Canela tres partes; claves dos partes; gingebre una parte; pimienta una parte y un poco de culantro seco bien molido y un poco de azafian si quieres, sea todo bien molido y cernido. [de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529] Translation: Three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper and a little dry coriander , well-ground, and a little saffron if you wish; let everything be well-ground and sifted. [de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529, Trans: Brighid ni Chiarain, 2009 ] Ingredients: Cinnamon Cloves Ginger Pepper Culantro Coriander Saffron Redaction: Combine three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper, one part coriander, and a pinch of saffron.   Mix together well. Notes:   Culantro : This was mistranslated from the original.   Culantro is not the same as Cilantro or its ground form, Coriander.   They are distinctly different herbs wi...