Another Pea or Bean Recipe (Chickpeas)
Original: Aliter pisam sive fabam: despumatam subtrito lasare Parthico, liquamen et caroeno condies. Oleum modice superfundis et inferes . [Apicius 5.3.7] Translation: when they have been skimmed, season them with finely ground Parthian laser, liquamen and caroenum. Pour on a little oil and serve. [Grocock and Grainger] Ingredients: Chickpeas 2 Tbsp Liquamen Fish Sauce ½ tsp Laser (Asafoetida) C aroenum ( Grape Must Syrup) Reduced Wine and Honey Olive Oil Interpretation : Boil Chickpeas in Water then drain. Add Caroenum, Asafoetida, and Fish Sauce and mix together over heat. Drizzle with Olive Oil when served. Notes: Caroenum – Syrup made from Grape Must. To substitute, I reduced Wine by 1/3 and added Honey. Bibliography: Apicius: A Critical Edition with an Introduction and English Translation, Grocock, Christopher and Grainger, Sally, Recipe 5.3.7 , pg.2 13 , Prospect Books, 2006.