Chike Endored

Chike Endored
Chike Endored (Roast Chicken with Glaze)
15th Century England

Take a chike, and drawe him, and roste him, And lete the fete be on, and take away the hede; then make batur of yolkes of eyroun and floure, and caste there-to pouder of ginger, and peper, saffron and salt, and pouder hit faire til hit be rosted ynogh.

[Two Fifteenth Century Cookery Books]

Take a chicken, and roast it, And let the feet be on, and take away the head; then make a batter of yolks of eggs and flour, and caste into it Ginger Powder, and Pepper, Saffron and Salt and cover (?) it faire until roasted enough.


1 Whole Chicken or Chicken pieces (4 Chicken Thighs used)
3 Egg Yolks
1 Tbsp Flour
1/8 tsp Powdered Ginger
1/8 tsp Pepper
½ tsp Saffron ½ tsp Turmeric
1/8 tsp Salt

The Paste: Egg Yolks, Flour, and spices
Roast Chicken. Beat together the Egg Yolks and Flour until it forms a paste then add in the rest of the spices. About ten minutes before the Chicken is done, spread a thin even layer of the paste on the Chicken and return it to the oven until it is done. Make sure to remove the Chicken before the paste turns brown. It should remain yellow in color.
It has been a while since I had posted and I was itching to do another recipe. I knew that we had some Chicken that needed to be used so I flipped through some recipes at work during lunch and found this one. A little further digging brought me to a completed version on Gode Cookery. I used that as my base and figured out my adjustments before cooking it for dinner when I got home. The resulting dish is very nice but the flavor is very subtle. Next time, I will probably season the chicken more before adding the paste as well as increasing the Ginger and the Pepper in the paste.

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