"The Feast That Wasn't"


The Principality of Cynagua Winter Feast and Cancer Tournament was held on January 29, 2022.  As I mentioned in a previous post, the Indoor portion of the event was cancelled due to Covid, but the Wrecking Crew and myself could not let it go out with a whimper.  As a surprise, for Their Highnesses of Cynagua Cormac and Caoilinn, Their Majesties of the West Miles and Jitka, Their Highnesses of the Mists, their Court, and Caoilinn's Household we made the major elements of the feast for them to eat throughout the day.  Overall, it was very well received and I got positive reviews.

Almonds and Olives:  Their Highnesses from the Mists kept asking for more Almonds throughout the day.  Their Majesties took home the leftover Olives.

Bread and Fritters:  Bella Dona dei Sorci provided the Pa amb tomàquet (Bread) and Toronjas de Xativa que son Almojavanas (Fritters).  People loved it and I repeatedly saw people crunching on the bread or with powdered sugar on the corner of their mouths.

Morterol (Chicken Stew):  UmmJibril Munisa Bint al-Nadr suggested adjustments during testing to fine tune the dish.  People came back for seconds and we ran out.

Pork with Sauces:  Siobhan ni Seaghdha brought the Salsa Camillina and Tellina di Giuseppe da Fiesole brought the Llimonea.  I brought the Salsa de Cervo.  People enjoyed trying the different sauces.  They each found their favorite and we ran through the big packet of Pork Chops quickly.  Thaddeus, an avowed modern Meat and Potatoes guy, slaththered his pork chop with the Salsa de Cervo and wolfed it down.  

Bolets amb Salsa de Bolets (Mushrooms in Mushroom Sauce):  Ashlin UnGallchobhair tested this and I went prepared it with the portions we discussed.  We ran out within minutes!  We gave a bowl to Their Majesties, but they were getting ready to go on the field at the moment.  They had me set it on a side table so they could have it when they got back.  When they got back it was gone.  Someone pilfered the Royal Mushrooms!!  Fortunately, I still had some Mushrooms left at that point and someone else was able to provide some sauce so they were able to try it. 

All in all, a success.  Her Highness Caoilinn, my Apprentice Sister, still wants me to put on this Feast before the end of her reign.  Hopefully, Covid will be cooperative.

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