Sopas Doradas

Sopas Doradas 5/30/2013
Sopas Doradas (Golden Soup)
1529, Catalan


Tomar un pan y hacerlo rebanadas: y tostarlas de buena manera que no se quemen, y tomar buen caldo y cocerlo en una olla aparte con todo su recaudo; y despumarlo bien, y después tener aparejado queso rallado, y cuando quisieren comer, tomar algunas yemas de huevos, y desatarlas con el mejor caldo de vaca gordo de la olla; y echarle un poco de gingibre y después tomar aquellas tostadas, y remojarlas con el caldo; y desque sean acabadas de remojar quitarlas de aquel caldo; y hacer escudillas de aquellas tajadas de pan o rebanadas; y echar sobre ellas del caldo de los huevos; después echarles el queso, y estas se llaman sopas doradas.

[Libro de guisados de Ruperto de Nola]


Take a loaf of Bread and slice it: and toast them in a good way so they don't burn, and take good stock and cook it in a pot; Keep an eye on it and grate some Cheese, and when they want to eat, take some egg yolks, and beat them and add to the Beef Broth; and throw a little Ginger and then take those toasts, and soak them with the broth; and since they are finished soaking, remove them from the broth; and make bowls from those slices of bread or slices; and pour over them the broth of the eggs; then take the cheese, and these are called Golden soups.


1 quart Beef Broth
4 Egg Yolks
Grated Cheese
Sliced Toasted Bread


Make a Beef Broth and skim off any fat. Toast up slices of Bread and grate the Cheese. Set them aside. When you are getting close to serving the soup, add four beaten Egg Yolks and Ginger to the Beef Broth. Place a slice of Toast in the bottom of the soup bowl and pour the soup over it. Top with the grated Cheese.


We had company over from Reno and I promised them a Medieval Dinner. I found this recipe in Ruperto de Nola's Libro de Guisados and it sounded like it would go well with the Cormarye that I was planning on serving. They complimented each other very well. The last part of the recipe was confusing. It sounds like the toast is placed in the broth, then pulled out, make a bowl out of the soaked bread, then pour the soup in these bowls. I found another redaction of the recipe by Medieval Spanish Chef (November 30, 2012) and she simply placed the toast in the bottom of the bowl and poured the soup over it. I decided to follow this lead. Another note, I need to work on separating Egg Yolks. Seriously . . . I need to work on separating Egg Yolks. The dish ended up looking like Egg flower Soup at a bad Chinese restaurant; however, it tasted wonderful so I merely got knocked down for presentation. I promise, technique will improve with experience. There was no reference in the recipe for the type of Cheese to use, so after checking at Safeway, I decided on Queso Fresco. I miss living in a city that has choices.
Edit 5/30/2013I made the Sopas Doradas again tonight.  I did a much better job separating the yolks and beating them before adding them to the broth.  Instead of large and medium chunks of Egg yolk and Whites in the broth, small bits of yolk formed in the broth much like a snowglobe.  This is a much more pleasing effect.

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