
Kichernn - Chickpeas


Die kichernn hiczenn vnd plewend vnd machenn
prunczen vnd machenn den frawenn ire recht zu
vier wochenn einß komenn, als es sein soll. Vnd
spricht Auerrois, das sie prechenn den stein,
der do leyt in den lendenn oder der do leit in
der blosenn, vnd auch die brüe, mit der sie gesotenn
werdenn. Vnd darczu sein die swarczen kichernn
pesserr dann die weissenn. Vnd Galienus
spricht, das bru von kichernn, so man sie seudt,
die ist der lebernn gut, wann es reinigt sie vnd
die nyren, do der stein wechst, den schleim vnd
treibt vil vnflatz vonn dem menschenn.

[Das Kochbuch des Meisters Eberhard, Mid-15th Century]


Chickpeas heat up and cause gas and make much piss and make the women's right come up once every four weeks, as it should be. And Averroes says they break the stone that lies in the loins or in the bladder, and so does the broth that they are boiled in. And the black chickpeas are better for this than the white ones. And Galen says that the broth of chickpeas, if they are boiled, is good for the liver, as it cleans it and the kidneys in which the stone grows of phlegm and drives much uncleanness out of the body.


1 15oz Can Chickpeas
1/4 Onion
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Pepper
1 1/2 tsp Rosemary


Boil the Chickpeas in a small pot.  Cut up the Onion into medium slices and add to the Chickpeas.  Add the Salt and Pepper, then lastly just before it is finished cooking, the Rosemary.  Drain off the water and serve.


This is one of the recipes under consideration as a side dish for the Spring German Feast that our Shire is putting on in March.  Eithne already performed a redaction of it, but found it bland before she sauteed in butter and added more spices.  I thought that I'd try my hand with it also.  The original recipe by Meisters Eberhard is less a recipe than a description of what chickpeas can be used for.  Searching the web, I found that the recipe was used for another German Feast by Fearless Kitchen.  In that recipe, she added Rosemary to the Chickpeas.  For mine, I added Onion, Salt, Pepper, and Rosemary.    The Chickpeas came out flavorful, but the Rosemary was a little overpowering.  In the future, I will cut back the Pepper to 1/2 tsp and the Rosemary to 3/4 tsp.

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