We're Baaaaaack . . . .

Remodeled Kitchen
When last we left our intrepid hero, his home was flooded and he was evacuated to a hotel for who knows how long.

We now know how long:  5 1/2 months.  March 30 - Labor Day Weekend.

It was a rocky road, but we are back in our home.  The mitigators, Service Master, did a good job.  CRBR who handled the restoration, not as much.  I am not going to get into a bashing session regarding it, but we had issues with indifference and their not taking care of our property.  Items were broken and we didn't get the last (hopefully) of our stuff back from their storage until almost Thanksgiving.  The glass broken tabletop didn't get fixed until this month.  January.  Needless to say, we are finally getting fully settled back in.  Peg's Crap Room is still the last to be finished.  Furniture pieces from IKEA are still not available due to Supply Chain issues, but once we get those, we should make quick work of the room.

Just after we moved back in, I was approached by our Principality Seneschal (my Protege Sister) if I would cook the Feast for our upcoming January Event.  Her Highness, the Princess of Cynagua (my Apprentice Sister) would really like it.  "Sure, I would love to . . ." I said.  I assembled my team, The Wreaking Crew, and, with guidance from my Laurel, we got to work.  I focused on El Llibre de Sent Sovi for the Feast, and many of the selections were drawn from recipes that I had already redacted.  Espàrrecs, Espinacs, and Cirons Tendres.  I was originally planning on having a Beef dish and a Chicken dish each with a different sauce.  After discussing it with my Laurel, I decided to bag the Beef dish because of cost.  At that point, I substituted Pork.  Hmmm . . . White Meat and Sorta-White Meat.  Then Ronald McDonald hit me with a Clue by Four.  McNuggetize the Meal!!!  Pork Shoulder with a Choice of Sauces!  Llimonea, Salsa Camellina, and Limonea.  I decided to make a Chicken Stew, Morterol as the other main dish.

We tested and fine tuned the recipes through the beginning of January.  Alas, it was not to be.  Due to Covid numbers spiking, the Crown and Coronets cancelled the indoor portion of the event, including the Feast.  The Tourney to beat Cancer is still on.  Although, I am sad about not being able to put this on, I fully support the decision.  Especially since a couple of my coworkers have had to be quarantined.  I plan to bring a camp stove to the event to provide a sampling of what the Feast would have been like to Her Highnesses court.

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