Rindfleisch Knödel (Meatballs with Pepper, Greens, and Raisins)


Knödel zu kochen auff ein andere manier von Rindtfleisch.  Nim~ Rindtfleisch/ schneidt es klein/ vn~ klaub das Fett darvon/ hack es klein durcheinder/ nim~ ein wenig gestossen Pfeffer/ gerieben Saffran/ vnd ein wenig Saltz/ auch drey oder vier Eyer/ weich ein beschnitte~ Weck oder Sem~el eyn/ druck sie wol mit den Händen auß/ vnd hacks vnter das Fleisch/ thu saubere groß vnd kleine schwartze Rosein darvnter/ mach runde oder lenglichte Knödel darauß/ wie es dir wirt gefallen/ mach Butter heiß/ vnd rößt die Knödel darinnen fein langsam/ daß sie fein braun/ vnd nicht schwartz werden.  Vnd wenn du sie hast außgerößt/ so thu sie in einen gekochten Pfeffer/ der wol

[Ein New Kochbuch, Beef #67, Marx Rumpolt]


Meatballs of beef to cook in another manner. Take beef/ and cut it small/ and trim the fat away/ hack (mix) it small and together/ take a little pounded pepper/ rubbed saffron/ and a little salat/ also three or four eggs/ soak a trimmed loaf or roll/ press (the liquid) out well with the hands/ and hack (mix) under the meat/ put clean large and small black raisins thereunder/ make (form) round or longish dumplings (meatballs) therefrom/ as it pleases you/ heat butter/ and slowly fry the meatballs therein/ that they become fine brown/ and not black. And when you have cooked them through/ put them in a cooked pepper/ that welltasting and fixed is/ let them come to a boil again in the pepper/ so it is welltasting/ a good meal for poor and rich.

[Ein New Kochbuch, Beef #67, Marx Rumpolt, Trans:M.Grasse]


1 lb Ground Beef

1 lb Ground Pork

4 tsp Black Pepper

4 tsp Salt


3 Cups Chopped Spinach

6 Eggs

2 Cups Bread Crumbs

1 1/2 Cups Raisins


Combine the Meat, Eggs, Bread Crumbs, Spinach, Raisins, and Seasoning.  Make Meatballs about an inch in diameter.  This should make approximately 100 Meatballs.  Set Oven to 350 degrees and bake for about 20 minutes.  Check Meatballs and adjust accordingly.


This recipe was made for the Principality of Cynagua Winter Investiture 2024.  The original recipe denotes that it goes with a Pepper Sauce.  I did not make the Pepper Sauce since I had three other sauces for the Feast.  The recipe also mentions that you can make either round or “longish” (stretched out) Meatballs.  I chose to make the round, familiar, ones for the Feast.  Lastly, the recipe says “salat” meaning some sort of Green.  I chose Spinach which in the same that  Baroness Hannah Screiber used for her Feast.


Ein New Kochbuch, Beef #67, Marx Rumpolt, Trans:M.Grasse.

Baroness Hannah Screiber (MKA Dawn Sinclair), 2017.

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