

Si vols fer espinachs sense aygua, pren los espinachs e denega 1s be e puys lava 1s e fe n dos o .iij. trocos, e ages una olla e mit hi una locada d oli o segons que seran aquells a qui n auras a dar, e puys prem los be e rnit los en la olla e mit hi un poch de sal en guisa que no n i age massa entro que siaii fusos, e estrigolats los.

[El Llibre de Sent Sovi, LXVIII, c.1325]


If you want to make spinach without water, take the spinach [leaves] and clean them well, and then wash them and make two or three pieces of them.  Take a pot, and put in a large spoon of oil, or according to the number of those you will serve it to.  Then squeeze them well and put them in the pot, and put in a little salt, but in a way so it is not too much, until they have melted, and cut them up.

[El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, LXVIII, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008]


Oil (Olive)


Clean and wash Spinach then press it dry.  Take a pot and add a large spoonful of oil.  Add Spinach and Salt.  Cook until Spinach is wilted.  Remove Spinach from pot and cut it up before serving.


This recipe is proof positive that medieval food isn’t necessarily difficult or weird for the modern palate.  This recipe is extremely easy and the dish can still be found at many dinner tables today.


“Espinacs.” In El Llibre de Sent Sovi / The Book of Sent Sovi: Medieval Recipes from Catalonia, edited by Joan Santanach, translated by Robin Vogelzang, 178-9.  Barcelona: Barcino-Tamesis, (c.1325) 2008.

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