Resoles (Fritters) and Bunyols (Cheese Fritters)
Si vols fer resoles de pasia o d ous, ages grei': de porch que sia bell e net e mit en una bella paella bcn neta ; apres ages pasta levada de forment e aestenpra ho ab un ou per resola en un morter, e, com sera beii destenprat, ages formatge rellat en guisa que sia espes ; en apres mit ne en nna psella entro a .iiij. loces e la un * ou en [ l i ] la paella e 1 foch que sie poch, e leva 1 en ades, ades, c gira les a cap d una peca e ti11 les hi un poch a poch al foch entro sien cuytes ; apres trau las d aqui e posa ias en bell tallador e mit hi molt siicre desus e dejus, e dona las hom com pus calt pot a la derreria del manjar per fortnatge.
[El Llibre de Sent
Sovi, XLIII, c.1325]
Si vols fer bunyols, ages de la pasta demunt dita que sia levada e ous ab formatge rellat e sia tot mesclat e be espes e fe n redclins axi com un ou, e ages una casola e de! greis desus dit, gita 1s ho eii la cacola, e, com seran cuyts, posa 1s en un tallador ab sucye desus e dejus.
[El Llibre de Sent Sovi, XLV, c.1325]
If you want to make fritters of dough and eggs, take good clean pork grease, and put it in a good pan that is nice and clean. Then take leavened wheat dough and mix it with an egg, for fritters, in a mortar. When it is well mixed, take grated cheese so that the dough becomes thick. After that, put some in a frying pan, up to four large spoons, that [of] one egg, in the pan. The fire low, take [the pan] from the fire often, and turn them after a while; and have them there a little, at low flame, until they are cooked. Afterwards, take them from there and put them on a nice plate, and put plenty of sugar over and under them. And serve them as hot as possible at the end of them meal, instead of cheese.
[El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XLIII, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008]
If you want to make cheese fritters, take the dough described above, which is leavened, and eggs with grated cheese; everything should be mixed together and quite thick. And make round shapes like an egg. Take a casserole dish and some of the grease said above; pour [the fritters] into the dish. And when they are cooked, put them on a plate with sugar over and under.
[El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XLV, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008]
1 ½ Cups Flour
1 Pkg Yeast
1 Tbsp + 2
Cups Grease Oil
1 Egg
½ Tsp Salt
2 Tbsp + Sugar
½ Cup Warm Water
3 Handfuls Cheese
(Shredded Queso)
In a bowl, add Yeast to the Warm Water. Stir in 2 Tbsp of Sugar, Salt, 1 Tbsp Oil, Egg, Flour, and Cheese. Cover and let rise for about 45 minutes. Put 2 Cups Oil into a pan and bring to medium heat. For Resoles, Scoop out dough about the size of a large Egg. For Bunyols, Scoop out dough about the size of a golf ball. Fry dough in the pan for about 2 to 5 minutes turning over once. Sprinkle Sugar on a plate before placing Fritters there. When the Fritters are on the plate, sprinkle more Sugar over the Fritters.
Fritters: oblong fried dough prepared with flour, yeast, and egg, and other ingredients such as cheese. This dish is similar to the fritters included in Chapter XLV, although it seems that the bunyols should be of smaller dimensions and have a rounder form.
for fritters (per resola): we should probably not understand this as an egg pre fritter, but simply that, to use the leavened dough to make them, it should be dissolved with an egg. Significantly, the sintagma is omitted in the parallel recipes of the Llibre a’aparellar (42) and the Llibre de potatges, 150.
[El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, XLIII, c1325, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008]
The recipes call for using leavened wheat dough and adding an Egg and Grated Cheese to it. In the Redaction, I made the fritter dough from scratch. I chose Queso since it was a preshredded medium soft cheese. It turned out well, but in the future, I will try different varieties. These recipes appear to be the basis for Toronjas de Xativa que son Almojavanas in Libre del Coch which I have made previously.
“Resoles.” In El Llibre de Sent Sovi / The Book of Sent Sovi: Medieval Recipes from Catalonia, edited by Joan Santanach, translated by Robin Vogelzang, 128-9. Barcelona: Barcino-Tamesis, (c.1325) 2008.
“Bunyols.” In El Llibre de Sent Sovi / The Book of Sent Sovi: Medieval Recipes from Catalonia, edited by Joan Santanach, translated by Robin Vogelzang, 132-3. Barcelona: Barcino-Tamesis, (c.1325) 2008.
de Nola, Ruperto, “Toronjas de Xativa que son Almojavanas” In Libre del Coch, 133, c1529, Trans: Brighid ni Chiarain, 2009