Another Pea or Bean Recipe (Chickpeas)

Aliter pisam sive fabam: despumatam subtrito lasare Parthico, liquamen et caroeno condies. Oleum modice superfundis et inferes.

[Apicius 5.3.7]

when they have been skimmed, season them with finely ground Parthian laser, liquamen and caroenum. Pour on a little oil and serve.

[Grocock and Grainger]

2 Tbsp Liquamen Fish Sauce
½ tsp Laser (Asafoetida)
Caroenum (Grape Must Syrup) Reduced Wine and Honey
Olive Oil

Boil Chickpeas in Water then drain. Add Caroenum, Asafoetida, and Fish Sauce and mix together over heat. Drizzle with Olive Oil when served.

Caroenum – Syrup made from Grape Must. To substitute, I reduced Wine by 1/3 and added Honey.

Apicius: A Critical Edition with an Introduction and English Translation, Grocock, Christopher and Grainger, Sally, Recipe 5.3.7, pg.213, Prospect Books, 2006. 

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