Si vols fer mig-raust, mit gallina en
ast. Aprés hages brou d’altres gallines, o del caldum d’aquestes d’ast, e fe’n
bon brou ab carnsalada, aprés hages ametles perades e fe’n llet. E prin los
fetges de destrempa’ls ab la llet. E mit-ho a bullir amb bones espècies: pebre
e gingebre, clavells, canyella, e agror, sabor e sucre blanc; e fesho molt
bullir. Quan les gallines d’ast deuran ésser cuites, esquartera-les e fets-les
bullir en salsa tro que conegues que sien cuites; e feu-ne escudelles amb les
E, si dónes menjar blanc, pots donar
ab aquesta salsa les gallines qui et romanen, ço és saber, caps e cuixes e
alerons e anques. Emperò sosenga-les abans en la cassola ab greix de
carnsalada, abans que sien meses dins la salsa.
[El Llibre de Sent Soví, V, c1350]
[El Llibre de Sent Soví, V, c1350]
If you want to make half-roast, put chicken on a spit. Then make broth of other chickens, or of the innards of those on the spit, and make it a good broth with salt pork; then take peeled almonds and make milk with them. Take out the livers and blend them with the milk. Set it to boil with good spices: pepper and ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and verjuice, flavor and white sugar; and let it boil a lot. When the roast chickens should be cooked, quarter them and let them boil in the sauce enough so you know they are cooked; and distribute into bowls with the chicken.
If you
serve white dish, you can serve with this sauce the remaining [parts of]
chickens, that is, heads, thighs, wings, and legs. However, fry them beforehand in the casserole
dish with salt pork grease, before they are put into the sauce.
[El Llibre
de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, V, c1350, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008]
Sent Sovi
Chicken Liver
White Sugar
Cook Chicken
half way and remove. Cook then grind up Chicken
Liver, then add Broth, Salt pork (Bacon), and Almond Milk. Set to boil and add Pepper, Ginger, Cloves,
Cinnamon, Verjuice, and White Sugar. Allow
to thicken. Cut up the Chicken and
return it back in to the pan to finish cooking.
I do not have
a Rotisserie, so this dish was created entirely in one pan. I cooked the Chicken half way then removed it
from the pan leaving the rendered juices.
I cooked and ground up the Chicken Liver, then added the Bacon, Broth,
and Almond Milk. I set the mixture to
boil to let it thicken and added the spices before returning the cut up Chicken
to the pan. I did not have any Verjuice,
so I substituted Wine Vinegar with a little Sugar. The dish came out very well, but I would allow
the sauce to thicken more next time.
El Llibre de Sent Sovi/The Book of Sent Sovi, V,
c1350, Trans: Robin Vogelzang, 2008