Especias de Salsa Comun


Canela tres partes; claves dos partes; gingebre una parte; pimienta una parte y un poco de culantro seco bien molido y un poco de azafian si quieres, sea todo bien molido y cernido.

[de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529]


Three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper and a little dry coriander, well-ground, and a little saffron if you wish; let everything be well-ground and sifted.

[de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529, Trans: Brighid ni Chiarain, 2009]


Culantro Coriander


Combine three parts cinnamon, two parts cloves, one part ginger, one part pepper, one part coriander, and a pinch of saffron.  Mix together well.


Culantro: This was mistranslated from the original.  Culantro is not the same as Cilantro or its ground form, Coriander.  They are distinctly different herbs with Culantro having leaves that are similar in shape to Romaine Lettuce.  They do have similar flavor profiles.  Since I do not have Culantro onhand, I substituted Coriander.

I do not care for Cloves, so I cut back on them.  I used the mixture in Espàrrecs from El Llibre de Sent Sovi and it provided a nice flavor. 


de Nola, Ruperto, Libre del Coch, I, c1529, Trans: Brighid ni Chiarain, 2009

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